Years pass time pass where are you do you know i am still miss you? Why dont you show up it's going to ten years... how much more will i go i also dont know. Hiz... hate of saying more... but still i still love you very much...
All about my gans and frenz...
Oct 19, 2015
Nov 21, 2012
It's been long that i last use this blog on 29 SEP 2012...
Hiz... This few weeks dame busy with the work i had in my work... One thing that my office don have is the welfare cause the people down there had no time to rest got to go there early then need to go home late then the next day come back to work need to do things again... No time to rest , then when wanna rest the boss come then cannot rest again cause boss don like his worker to rest... Dame sian loh...Then the boss also hor company not enough people then still wanna take in so many task to do, we are not robot lo, we are human loh... Now a days got no time to go out with frenz then wanna meet them on Sunday also cannot cause keep working and working till Saturday mid then go sleep... : x Ten wake up already is the noon time about 3 pm le... But still wanna sleep back, so when back and sleep again then now also tired ... Hiz i think i shall end here for today ba...
Hiz... This few weeks dame busy with the work i had in my work... One thing that my office don have is the welfare cause the people down there had no time to rest got to go there early then need to go home late then the next day come back to work need to do things again... No time to rest , then when wanna rest the boss come then cannot rest again cause boss don like his worker to rest... Dame sian loh...Then the boss also hor company not enough people then still wanna take in so many task to do, we are not robot lo, we are human loh... Now a days got no time to go out with frenz then wanna meet them on Sunday also cannot cause keep working and working till Saturday mid then go sleep... : x Ten wake up already is the noon time about 3 pm le... But still wanna sleep back, so when back and sleep again then now also tired ... Hiz i think i shall end here for today ba...
Sep 29, 2012
Today 29 Sep 2012
I once again use blog... I was sad, but what can i do? I am angry but what can i do? What i was sad is about my mum, she did nothing wrong in this world but why did she got this things happen to her? She is going to have an operation soon on the Nov this year... I am angry because i cannot do anything at all... Why cannot that just to be me? My mum is a very good mum i can say this in this world no one can win her for sure... She took care of my grandma for over 9 years and yet she got this type of things happen to her... She use up her 9 years not going out just to take care of my grandma, the most she go is market that's all... How could this happen to her just like this? I REALLY WANNA ASK THE GOD!!! " ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE MY MUM AWAY FROM ME THIS TIME?!"... But i hope nope is the answer...
Years had pass i had came out from the NS now at work... Work in the same old company GROUP, this time round i think i'm going to work till Jan ba... Then i go study in ITE again... Hiz... Same things i gonna miss again that is her, for over the pass 5 years i still miss her... I hope that I could had forgotten her but i just can't do that... Now the only 2 things that can solve this problem that is No.1 She just appear in front of me or No.2 Another girl that had the same heart as her, but I can say it's a very hard thing to do for the two thing that i had say just now...
I once again use blog... I was sad, but what can i do? I am angry but what can i do? What i was sad is about my mum, she did nothing wrong in this world but why did she got this things happen to her? She is going to have an operation soon on the Nov this year... I am angry because i cannot do anything at all... Why cannot that just to be me? My mum is a very good mum i can say this in this world no one can win her for sure... She took care of my grandma for over 9 years and yet she got this type of things happen to her... She use up her 9 years not going out just to take care of my grandma, the most she go is market that's all... How could this happen to her just like this? I REALLY WANNA ASK THE GOD!!! " ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE MY MUM AWAY FROM ME THIS TIME?!"... But i hope nope is the answer...
Years had pass i had came out from the NS now at work... Work in the same old company GROUP, this time round i think i'm going to work till Jan ba... Then i go study in ITE again... Hiz... Same things i gonna miss again that is her, for over the pass 5 years i still miss her... I hope that I could had forgotten her but i just can't do that... Now the only 2 things that can solve this problem that is No.1 She just appear in front of me or No.2 Another girl that had the same heart as her, but I can say it's a very hard thing to do for the two thing that i had say just now...
Apr 23, 2011
It's been years seen i miss her a lot but when i was about start a new one i was too rush, then i get nothing in the end... So come back to the same again, Hiz... felt sorry for that girl that i was too rush with i think she will never talk to me / sms me le so... i had made up my mind for now onwards... i will never love any one any more I will rater let people to love me then i love other cause i had lost my feel of love years ago were that girl just left me like this... that girl who makes my devilness up to the top... i will kill because of her i can smoke also because of her i drink also because of her ... raa.... felt very ... never mind ...
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Feb 20, 2011
Feb 6, 2011
Feb 5, 2011
There was once a girl that went in to my heart... But now still no news of her... And it has been years till now i still thinking of her... She was once in my house and she was the first girl that went to my house and sleep, went she sleep and i looked at her see her sweet sleep i felt happy cause i think she is the someone that i had been looking for the girl with Innocence in her life that girl who says "you are the every first of my life, you given me the first birthday card were my family didn't give me, you given your care were my family didn't give me, you are the first person that hold my hand were my family didn't even do that." on that day i knew she likes me, she also say that to me, but she said that " Even if i like you but i'm scare that jie(her god sister/my god mei) also like you.". Then i did not say anything but in my heart i already accepted you... Till now my emotionally went up so high is because of you do you know everyday went i got nothing to do i will miss you, every now and then I've been waiting for you...??? Do you know how much i miss you and my heart had die 3years ago cause of you...??? But i think you had forgotten me, hiz... Years of waiting, missing, crying and emotionally just because of you do you know?... I think nope ba... How could you remember someone for so long? I guess you had found someone better then me le ba... If that's so then I'll accept the fate and congrats you ba...
But now the worst thing had come 2 weeks ago my grandma just pass away... Remember of her bring me to school, bring me to shopping, bring me to had a walk and more... but now it had all come to an end, i very unhappy cause every time i had to see you on bed waiting for the day that you could bring me to had a walk again but it had been 8 years plus le... And it will never happen again... Hiz... I was hoping to bring one girlfriend to let you see but, i didn't make it, everything turn to an ash le... Now even cannot have an Chinese New Year even i had ...
Feb 3, 2011
Jan 25, 2011
She was once with me now no more,
She was once soring went i was asleep now no more,
She use to bring me and my brother to walk walk now no more,
She is now gone and i don't know what to and CNY is coming Valentine's Day also coming I also got no date, plus my grendma just pass away hiz... My emotionally had to wen up to the top le... No more happiness anymore don know who will date me out.. Hiz... dame stress wanna go to hell liao!!! ha!!!!!!!!
She was once soring went i was asleep now no more,
She use to bring me and my brother to walk walk now no more,
She is now gone and i don't know what to and CNY is coming Valentine's Day also coming I also got no date, plus my grendma just pass away hiz... My emotionally had to wen up to the top le... No more happiness anymore don know who will date me out.. Hiz... dame stress wanna go to hell liao!!! ha!!!!!!!!
Jan 12, 2011
Dec 30, 2010
Days pass now left 10 more days to POP... So happy... But still got sad thing over my heart, that is my Family Problem... The family problem is about my dearest grandma that stay with me, she now, hole body even her eyes all turn yellow... Heard one of my frenz saying that was a cancel then i was very scare to lose my grandma cause she was with me seen i was young, the family-ship with me and her was very deep that no one can tell... But back to my POP is at Marinna Floating Plat Front, and they say we are the last batch to go there... Then happy P.O.P. hor!!!
Nov 13, 2010
Date 101110
Today is our pay day so happy, but cannot get money. Still angry cause my battery still not found yet. The battery was stolen at 091110. Don't know why now a days those stealer don't wanna do the right thing, but do this stupid thing that we the human don't like. But buck to topic again today is a very good day, cause got more admin time. Now time is 1923Hr no one at the bunk I feel very nice cause no one will do things stupid, but i still miss one girl and that is the girl that i lost contact with, for so many years seen sec3 the first day i saw her till now i still can not forget her face, i miss her allot, I'm waiting for her to come back and find me... Every time went i emo or should I say my emotionally goes up, the first thing I think of is her... Remember years back when she runs aways from her home... When I know her from my Gan Mei, the first time I ask her to be my Mei, she never say anything then she say " OK ". Then I was so happy then that time is I still don't know she run aways from home... Then got one time she ask me out then i say OK then I go meet her... Then suddenly my Gan Mei tell me she runs aways from home and the parent comes and wanna find her, but she don't wanna go back... then she wanna me to take she to a save place the keep bagging me then i say "OK if u tell me later why u don't wanna go back", then she say "OK". So I helped her to go to a save place... The i ask her " why don't u go back???.", ten she tell me this "at home she only can reads books, every time wanna go out also cannot, plus cannot even watch TV and my parent had break up...", then I helped her , but that time i don't know why i helped her now then i know this is call love... but i'm the one who makes her home cause that time the parent of the girl had call the police then i got no change but to send her home... but got many time i felt to do so cause she still don't wanna go back... but i still remember she said this before ' I'm the first guy who know her every thing, who can give her warm, who hold her hand, who kissed her forehead, who sing her birthday song and every thing that her parent never give it to her before... '.
Oct 29, 2010
Days pass just book out of NS don't belief that i got true one month of the training... but when i come back that time i was still thinking of my long lost Mei ... Hiz... years and years pass still cannot forget her even if so... i will still get her feeling back to the pass were i first met her... At CCK near LOT 1 ... every day missing her thinking of went will she come back... i did to her one thing before we last met that is "my door will always open for you, and i will be waiting for you...". Till now i still keeping my this promises that i met to her, but will she remember?... Hope she did so... Hiz... Emotionally of mine is getting more and more each day... No happy at camp at all the food down there taste suck it's the same food every week... And every day doing 5BX at the morning, the got swimming, 2.4 run, road march, strange training, AGT and mani mani more... Now 0000hr at there got to sleep now...
Oct 10, 2010
Should i or should i not...???
Things just happen sometime just like went i'm at my camp so many things happen just like the fire... and yesterday just come out from confinement cause of the water bag... btw i was not happy with the SGT after all cause he suck ... he trying to act big in-front of every one... trying to show his power to as... if he continue to do this i think i will mack sure he will regrade what he did to me...!!!
Sep 6, 2010
Thankz to Jerome Yap, Victor Chew, Da Wei, Hong Ming, Wei Liang, Jin Ren, Pei Ru, Xue Li, Calvin, Jia Yi, Avian Ong, Lieng Heng, joyce Ang, Cerine, Mattew for coming to my house for the birthday celebration...

Thankz to Jerome Yap, Victor Chew, Da Wei, Hong Ming, Wei Liang, Jin Ren, Pei Ru, Xue Li, Calvin, Jia Yi, Avian Ong, Lieng Heng, joyce Ang, Cerine, Mattew for coming to my house for the birthday celebration...
And Special thankz to the following friend who wrote a birthday wishes:
Vincent Low
Adrea あいこ
Yuenyung Stupidgirl
Fiona Lervone Tan
Xavier Lin Hui Xiang
Lau Ting Ting 사랑
Seth Ho
Carine Meow
Alvina Se Souvient
Joyce Ang
Jaybert Leow
Zakiah TheInjuredbaby
Anandar Satis Kannapathi
Priscilla Xue Man
Amanda Kee
Clement 과자 괴물
Raphael Fam
Amanda Koh
Victor Chew
Jerome Monstaa
Chua Yong Li
Jonn Choi
Jasmine's Crazyness
Chua PeiRu
Reena Ahna
Ath Ena
Mong Chu Da
Hasyiqa Osman
Yawen Zxzx Pikachuu
Xueli Karen
Achiqq Kechiiq Dragoon
Catherine Geepika
Jingyi Yeo
Angel Chan
June Jg Chua
Celine Tia
Satheeswaran Mathiyazakan
Indahh Archie
Khoo Fubing
Nurul Hafizah
Heidi Lim
Lydia Lee Jia Hua
Ruoting TanJascinta Quah
Sayhui Leong
JianHui Jesse
Wan Ting
Ikaros Jin
Pradeep Ramalingam
Sophia Ng
Yizhen Liang
Rosafina 陈慧芬
Xavier Insanity
Jeremy Tan
Subhash Subarmaniam
Aikiyo Xiiao Yun เซ็กซี่
Chye Jin Feng
Sai Som Tip
Pamela Yeo
Gavin Sin
Ng Charis
Wei Liang Kon'nichiwa
Nelson Wong
Nigel Soo JcEdge
Wen Xue
Aug 16, 2010
Jul 27, 2010
Girl of laughter >.<
Girl of wonder...
Boy of thought<<<
Like couple wor ><
The boy of emo...
Boy of joys ^.^...
The girl of shy O.o...
The girl of unknown...
Girl of happiness...
Girl of thought ...
One ghost and unknown...
25 July 2010 I drink... With Jin Ren, Pei Rui, Hong Ming, Carine, Jai Yi, Avian Ong, Wei liang. with ke le... but think this is the last wine for me this year... but still got this two cat... hiz ... war on the east... soon... i will be in there i think...
By the WAY sad ... the most fear coming to me that is wen i go in NS that time my grand ma will ... but hope it won happen...
Jul 6, 2010
Jun 30, 2010
Guss what this few thing is more then 1000kg and it's all carry up by three person only including me... And it takes more then an hr to put this thing up...
After the work i go meet Wei Liang, Hong Ming, Lian Heng and Mathew. Then we go play left 4 death for an hour...
Then now just came back from Cine-leisure now going sleep ...
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